Currently under construction!
While checkbock
cross-species is selected, the choice of
relation will be ignored.
The functionality of
relation can used as:
- Any: Filter criteria has matched in any (selected) dataset
- At least two: Filter criteria has matched in at least two (selected) datasets
- While dataset is prefiltered over settings, the species selection is not respected
- While choosing 2 settings from different species, cross-species analyis can be simulated
- All (selected): Filter criteria has matched in all (selected) dataset
Use the lists
setting and
species as follows:
- No selection will use all data
- Setting: Select individual settings
- Species: Select all setting of specific species
- While selecting a species, the restriction of settins for the specific species get lost
Example settings (Table 4):
Foldchange: 1.5
p-value: 0.05
adjust: checked
Cross-species: checked
Setting: NAFLD, NASH
Species: Mus musculus